Seminar H: How to do business in the disruptive environment? ? Fordybelsesseminar samfundsvidenskab, BSS

Aarhus Universitet, Tvillingeauditoriet, Bygning 1324, lok. 011, Bartholins Allé, 8000 Aarhus C
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Fredag, 30. september 2022 - 12:00

How to do business in the disruptive environment? 

v/Sofiya Opatska, Ukraine research fellow, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies and Institute of Business Management, Aarhus Universitet 

v/Sofiyia Opatska, Vice-Rector for implementation of UCU strategy, Ukrainian Catholic University

How to do business in the disruptive environment? 

The year 2022 showed how much business globally is integrated with geopolitics, global security, ethics, etc. When russia started full scale war in Ukraine in February 2022 reaction was expected not only from politicians but also from business organizations.
Sanctions followed on the level of countries. For the first time in the history companies were expected to make decisions regarding self-imposed sanctions (stop working in russia based of their own decision). 
The pressure from society was huge and we can still follow it. 
During the seminar we will discuss with the group:
how can young people influence decision making in big organizations? 
take a look at the self-organized movements that were created in days and what could be achievements of such movements in short and long period of time 
what are the interests of various stakeholders of business organizations
what can be an effect of sanctions and self-imposed sanctions
We will also take a look at the business case of a bakery which operates on franchising system in Ukraine when it was visited by one of the global celebrities in late April 2022. What can be an effect of such an event on business and how much can business make an impact if it makes proper case of the situation.
Khrystyna Marcynkivska (a student of MS in Innovations and Entrepreneurship at UCU Business school) will join online in the beginning of the seminar. Khrystyna organized a movement creating visuals and putting pressure on global companies in the time period of March-May 2022 and she will give you an insight into her work.

The seminar will take place in English.


10.00: Welcome
10.05: Presentation and interactive lecture
11.45: Lunch
12.15: Presentation and work in groups
13.00: Summing up in plenary
13.30: End of the day

Seminar H: How to operate business in times of war? har blandt andet til formål at give jer et eksempel på klassisk samfundsvidenskabelig analyse med afsæt i en konkret case.

Generelt om fordybelsesseminarerne

Fordybelsesseminarerne er struktureret således, at der er 8 seminarer, som I skal vælge 3 af. Der vil være to fordybelsesseminarer på Naturvidenskab (ST), hvor I skal vælge mellem en ræke fagområder. Både VIA University College, Humaniora (Arts) og Samfundsvidenskab (BSS) udbyder to fordybelsesseminarer i henholdsvis Aarhus og Herning.

Vi anbefaler meget, at I ikke lader geografi, men interesse afgøre jeres valg mellem de forskellige muligheder.

Som udgangspunkt skal I vælge 3 ud af de 9 tilbud, men når vi har set fordelingen, vil der være god mulighed for, at I kan vælge flere seminarer ved at skrive til


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